In Japan, the Former Unification Church, officially known as the Family Federation for Wor...
In Japan, the Former Unification Church, officially known as the Family Federation for Wor...
In a striking political development in Japan, former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's meeting w...
In a tense discussion aired on TBS's 'News23,' the absence of response among Japan's rulin...
In a striking expose leading up to the 2013 Upper House elections in Japan, it was unveile...
On June 30, 2013, just days before the crucial Senate elections, then-Prime Minister Abe S...
In Japan, the Unification Church, although sometimes viewed as controversial, has managed ...
The Unification Church operates in Japan with an estimated 100,000 followers. Journalist S...
The Unification Church, founded in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon, has become a powerful entity in...